Get accurate utility
data without emailing
tenants and sync it with Energy Star

Capture electricity, gas, and water usage across all your properties including the ones where you don’t have access to tenant consumption. Your utility data is instantly synced with Energy Star and available for GRESB reporting so you can fulfill energy benchmarking in seconds.
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No more manual data entry, spreadsheets, or pestering tenants for bills
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Get access to all your utility bills instantly and vetted for accuracy
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Uses the industry’s most cost-effective signal reading technology or shadow metering
Fulfilling ESG reporting for CRE owners, operators, and private equity firms
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How it works

Step 1

Capture utility data even for triple net lease properties without pestering tenants

Struggling to get access to tenant consumption?

Enertiv can capture electricity, water, and gas usage from all your properties, whether they are single-tenant, multi-tenant, triple net lease, direct metered, or sub-metered. So you never have to bother your tenants for data or wait on utilities for months.  
Step 2

Automatically get your utility bills in one place and vetted for accuracy

Skip manual data entry and retrieving bills. Enertiv syncs with your utility providers and automatically pulls all your bills the second they are available.

Unlike other solutions that scrape utility bills and push data riddled with mistakes, Enertiv has every bill vetted by software checks and a human for accuracy.
Step 3

Use carbon emissions data for Energy Star, GRESB, and net zero targets

Your utility data is instantly pushed to Energy Star and is available for GRESB reporting.

So you can comply with SEC regulations, help partners with net zero targets, and simplify certification requirements for BOMA BEST, LEED, SmartScore, etc.
Step 4

Answer your top consumption questions and provide data that makes sense

Enertiv provides intuitive dashboards to trend, analyze, and report energy consumption however needed. Provide easy-to-understand reports and answer all the important questions in seconds:
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Total consumption and energy costs of your buildings for the year, quarter, or month
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Which buildings are performing the best and which are performing the worst
Step 5

Maximize tenant experience by helping them with their own ESG reporting

With Enertiv, your tenants can access a self-serve portal for a comprehensive view of their energy usage, environmental impact, and billing history.

This helps them with their own ESG reporting, encourages efficient energy usage, and positions you as a leader in tenant engagement.

What else you can do with Enertiv?

Prevent costly water leaks with real-time monitoring

Enertiv detects sudden spikes in water usage and alerts you to potential leaks so you can proactively investigate and avoid unexpected bills.

Use consumption data to bill back tenants

Enertiv uses your tenant meter data to automatically generate clean, customizable bills to bill back tenants and maximize recovery.

What makes us different from
Measurabl, Redaptive, and other tools? 

We use non-proprietary hardware unlike Redaptive

Enertiv offers non-proprietary, fully open meters designed for flexibility and future-proofing.

We can integrate with any existing meter infrastructure and should we part ways, you won’t face a total reset and can proceed with minimal impact.
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Redaptive’s proprietary approach was a deal-breaker. They insisted on funneling our data into their systems via cellular connections, which meant that ending our partnership would force us to replace all our meters. Essentially, they offered the epitome of a black box solution, which is completely against our principles.
Head of Property Management

We verify each utility bill for accuracy unlike Measurabl

Each bill processed by Enertiv goes through a robust human/software verification process to ensure 100% accuracy. This saves you the trouble of double-checking and provides you confidence in the data that underpin your energy management and sustainability efforts.
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“We switched from Measurabl to Enertiv because of the data quality. The data collection and utility sync with Measurabl was not accurate. There were always lags, issues, and link breaks, nonstop. When data quality falls everything else fails. Because if you have data wrong then you can’t do anything with it.”
Head of ESG

$120B real estate investment firm gets tenant-controlled meter data synced to Energy Star in 60 days

A large warehouse filled with lots of shelves and boxes.

Ready to chat?

See how top CRE owners and operators use Enertiv to forecast capex with confidence
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Frequently asked questions

How do you get utility bills?
Do I have to install hardware to collect consumption data?
Do we have to have internet in the building or cellular?
Are there standard specifications for meters given that we have ongoing development and construction?
How intrusive is shadow metering? Do I have to ask tenants for permission?