How Enertiv Does Real Estate Technology Onboarding

When Enertiv signs a new client, the client success team has 30 days to get them fully onboarded onto the software modules, including providing a digital infrastructure of their property, importing their current workflows, and training them on how to use the Enertiv Platform. To accomplish such a feat, we’ve developed a precise process that leverages technology and emphasizes both speed and thoroughness.

From asset tracking to vendor contact information, inspections schedules to reactive work orders, reporting and forecasting, real-time data and predictive analytics, we go beyond just providing software: we become a remote extension of the team.

When a new operator comes into a property, it generally takes them months to fully understand how the building functions. After many years, this institutional knowledge becomes second nature and increasingly limited to the individual’s own head.

Our goal is to complete the same learning process in a fraction of the time, and with the benefit of an ongoing blueprint that anyone can access. Let’s look at some of the activities Enertiv uses to onboard real estate technology for portfolios in every asset class.

Onboarding Kick Off

Here at Enertiv, we’re all about speed-to-value.

As such, we front load a ton of resources to get properties and on-site teams onboarded quickly and effectively.

This includes a dedicated onboarding specialist, an onboarding engineer, and a client success manager. Together, these three individuals build a working relationship with the on-site teams.

To ensure that the process is centered around the user, every conversation starts with the operators’ individual and team goals. From there the Enertiv Platform is introduced on both web and mobile.

The onboarding kickoff rounds out with the unveiling of their data in the Enertiv Platform, including property information, an equipment inventory, documentation, workflows such as work orders and meter readings (depending on modules purchased).

Critically, we show how the Enertiv Platform will make their lives easier, including scanning asset tags, efficiently prioritizing tasks for the day, eliminating data entry, and batch close out of items.


The second training session, usually completed two weeks after the onboarding session is with the client success manager to review their experience on the platform so far and to walk through more advanced functionality.

This advanced functionality includes tricks like working in offline mode, using the library of best practice templates, reusing photos, approving requests, scheduling reports, and how the different features and modules integrate with each other.

Just as importantly, this is an opportunity to get feedback on the user experience. Many operators are blown away by the speed at which Enertiv is able to iterate and make improvements to the software. This tight loop between user feedback and product development has consistently created champions out of on-site teams.

Power Ups

One of the things that makes Enertiv unique is the ability to integrate real-time data into the operational workflows occurring on site.

While the onboarding process has been happening, in the background, Enertiv has been integrating with building management systems and utility meters, deploying sensors and networking devices, and ensuring data accuracy.

The time to level up operations has come.

By now, operators have been using the Enertiv App daily to prioritize and complete their workflows. With the flip of a switch, Enertiv lights up that same mobile tool with real-time data around their critical infrastructure, providing predictive alerts, actionable insights, and trended metrics such as runtime hours.

The dedicated client success manager takes this opportunity to show operators how to acknowledge notifications, create their own alerts if they want, and measure and verify the optimizations that Enertiv prescribes.

Onboarding Real Estate Technology

Enertiv understands that technology is only as good as the extent that it gets adopted. Some teams come to us and are transitioning from paper-based processes to software for the first time. Others are moving to Enertiv from another provider. Whatever the scenario, we provide the framework to onboard operators quickly and get their buy in to the power of operational intelligence.